Tag Archives: market

All About Light: Week 41

All About Light is a weekly photography project by two friends who met virtually while working on their respective Project 365s in 2013-2014. We quickly realized that we enjoyed each other’s photos and always looked forward to seeing what the other one shared. Since we both have a love for the genre of street photography, we found ourselves capturing intriguing signage in unexpected places and laughed about who might get the next best shot of a crazy sign. After finishing our Project 365, we decided to take on a weekly project to study the use of light and learn about ways to improve our photography by focusing on different light sources. Each month we will focus on a different source of light in our photos. We hope you enjoy what we capture as we learn all about light.

Jamón ibérico. One of the finest things about Spain, if you ask me. We had the fun experience of walking through the Mercado de San Miguel with my cousins when we were in Spain last week. If you’re a foodie and in Madrid, you must go. The mercado is housed in one of the few remaining market halls in Madrid and located in the Plaza de San Miguel. Its construction was completed in 1916, and the pillars outside with glass surround are stunning. Stay tuned, as I have a great image of it to share soon!

{market scene}

Beth of Beth Moses Photography and I became friends in 2013, while sharing our photos in a large group of Project 365ers online. As the year went on, we realized how much we had in common and even had a friendly competition of shooting odd signage and tagging the other one with “Your turn!”. Besides our shared interest in photographing everyday moments, we also share a passion for coffee and the south. I’m so glad I get to continue to share my thoughts on photography with Beth, and now, this project, too. Now, go see what Beth is sharing this week: Road Trip.


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